Hi, my name is Yasmin. This is my personal portfolio, a place to share my creations and projects. I am always looking for new challenges and inspiring projects where I can gain new experiences and share the passion for making games. If you are interested in my work feel free to write me via mail or the following social media links.

Currently I'm working at Soulblossom (Bavaria, Germany) as a videogame programmer.

o Friedrich-Ebert Gymnasium Sandhausen (Allgemeine Hochschulreife, 1.9, 2009-2017)
o University of Bayreuth, Media Science and Media Practice (B.A., 1.8, 2017-2023)
Bachelor Thesis: Queerness as a critical and reflective scientific practice in Videogames
o University of Bayreuth, Computergame science (M.A., discontinued, 2021-2023)

Work Experience

o 1 week school internship at "Thoraxklinik Heidelberg"; Lung Cancer Clinic (2014)
o 2 week school internship at "Heidelberger Werkstätten Lebenshilfe Heidelberg e.V."; Workshop for people with disabilities (March 2016)
o Student assistant for 3D modelling course at "University of Bayreuth"; Autodesk Maya (Apr 2019 - Jul 2019)
o Programmer, Co-Founder at "NightinGames UG" (Sep 2020 - OKt 2023)
o Student assistant for public relations, marketing and social media management at "GreenCampus" (University of Bayreuth) (Sep 2021 - Okt 2022)
o Programmer at "Soulblossom UG" (Mar 2023 - today)

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